Tag Archives: filter

Active filter experiments

We look at the basic concepts of active filters, design a 2nd order lowpass with TI’s filterdesign tool and then build a filter and measure the filter performance on the lab bench. Maybe you want to watch the introduction to electronics filters first, since I do reference to that video so what.

Introduction on electronic filters

This series of videos give you an overview/introduction on electronic filters. basic introduction to electronics filters analog / passiv filters crystal filters active filters digital filters This first video talks about filter specifications, filter types, basic RC filter discussion and shrot discussion on s-parameters. Here you can find more videos about “electronic filters”:

Design bandpass and lowpass filter

This is how I did design the bandpass and lowpass filters.

Design a crystal ladder filter

See how I approached the design of a 8 pole crystal ladder filter for SSB @9MHz and with a bandwidth of 2.4 kHz.